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Linux консоль в Gi ST9196/95 HD

paul07: К нашей радости удалось войти в Gi ST9196 посредством Telnet'a - что имеем: Ядро: Linux (none) 2.6.12-4.2-brcmstb #2 Fri Nov 27 10:02:11 KST 2009 7401c0 unknown Список пользователей: [more] root:RLu9k4ZlLYAtA:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh bin:*:1:1:bin:/bin:/dev/null daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/dev/null adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/tmp:/dev/null ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/var/tmp:/dev/null nobody:*:99:99:Nobody:/:/dev/null rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/tmp:/dev/null nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/var/tmp:/dev/null login: root password: viva-lin [/more] Wget, Tar - тоже работают!

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paul07: [pre] cd /mnt/USB1/sda1 tar -cf 1.tar /[/pre] Делаем архив файловой системы на usb-накопитель в файл 1.tar

e-dok: USB флешку в рес, рес в рабочем режиме проверяем видит ли рес флешку # mount /dev/root on / type jffs2 (ro,noatime) none on /proc type proc (rw,nodiratime) /dev/loop0 on /var type tmpfs (rw) /dev/loop1 on /etc type tmpfs (rw) none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw) /dev/mtdblock4 on /data type jffs2 (rw,noatime) /dev/mtdblock2 on /home type cramfs (ro) /dev/loop2 on /app type tmpfs (rw) /dev/sda1 on /mnt/USB1/sda1 type ext3 (rw) видит.. проверяем содержимое флешки cd /mnt/USB1/sda1 ls пытаемся скопировать всю файловую систему в архив на флешку tar -cf 222.tar / 222 - имя архива. Таким образом копируется, но далеко не всё, да и архив битый получается... процесс длится пока не заполнит носитель так что долго ждать нечего. В общем не то это. Если есть другие варианты, предлагайте. Есть ли положительные результаты у кого, кто что смог сотворить?

Lovec47: after long work I have own compiled linux kernel which is workable with "brutus". Kernel sources are from opendreambox project with some patches, important things is to enable CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE. Now Im trying to add support for iw2200-ap driver to try using Alligator as OpenWrt AP

e-dok: Lovec47 Ждём результатов!

Menen: Можно перевести.. что куда портируют??

Lovec47: Ingradiences: kernel-2.6.12 (www.kernel.org), patch linux-2.6.12-brcm-5.1.patch (google), internal SATA drive (Im using 60G), but may be USB drive too - then need to add suport into kernel) 1. prepare rootfs .. insert HDD into opticum. 2. telnet to the box or serial console 3. remount root to rw: mount -n -t remount,rw / 4. run stbutil 5. menu 3, choose hda or sda (usb drive) .. filesysem will be created on hdd 6. restart opticum (reboot) 7. cd /mnt/SATA/hda1/etc/init.d/ ; cp rcS.xfs rcS to compile kernel, crosstools from iCordHD should be used 1. patch sources with brcm patch (patch -p0 < linux-2.6.12-brcm-5.1.patch) 2. copy arc/mips/configs/bcm7401c0_defconfig to .config 3. edit .config, add CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE=y, maybe change root= to odher as /dev/hda1for SATA hdd and /dev/sda1 is flash drive, when using USB disk some kernel modules needs to be changed to be part of kernel, not shure which one, may be CONFIG_USB_STORAGE=y 4. edit drivers/net/brcmint7038/bcmemac.c and change #define FLASH_MACADDR_ADDR 0xBFFFFF94 in line 78 5. change kernel version from 5.1 to 4.2 in Makefile 6. set PATH to crosscompiler: PATH=$PATH:"crostools path to /bin", 7. alias smake="make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mips-linux-" 8. compile kernel with smake 9. copy vmlinux file to usbflash drive To file batch.cfe write boot -elf -fatfs usbdisk0:vmlinux this file put on vfat formated USB key start Optibox with pressed Menu key ... it will start from your hdd PS. its better to have Serial console to see where is problem if it will not start, this way is doing nothing with your flash memory inside opticum, so when it will not work, star normally without pressing Menu key. PS2. do it on your own response ..

paul07: Good work

Lovec47: and one little advice, under Ubuntu compile kernel as normal user, not root ... I dont know what is real reason, but if I compile kernel as root it will freeze during booting.

Lovec47: do you know how to stop enigma video output scanning without any remote control ?

pashaa: Init 5 not work?

Lovec47: I used WWW interface to emulate remote control, enigma starts and then stops ... no dreambox hardware error,nso dm800 drivers will not work, tuner in Optibox is stv0903b and stv6110a - new kernel source needed (Il tried compile v4l-dvb drivers but too much errors with this kernel), but insted of that, it was very slow, cca 10 minutes to start enigma TV output setup

Lovec47: http://www.broadcom.com/collateral/wp/STB_DTV-WP100-R.pdf So ... all audio and video things are inside brutus. DM800 is using their own properiate drivers, which need that SIM, which is not in our devices. There is one complete source on web for brutus, but its for old BCM4711+BCM7038 Tivo series3. May be someone who owns BSEAV Set-Top API can make standard FB and audio drivers.

Lovec47: This should work on our boxes too http://www.catshout.de/, binaries for iCord are mips big endian so recompilation is needed for our boxes

e-dok: Просьба проверить команду top А то что то я в легком недоумении - софт последний.... как это может быть, что ресивер в дежурном режиме, а загрузка процессора доходит до 60%!!! Причём при обычном просмотре загрузка проца немного снижается, но в целом ни на что не реагирует (просмотр разных каналов, запись каналов...) и держится в пределах 50-55% для сравнения на дриме 800 в дежурке

paul07: [pre]11:42am up 3 days, 8:42, 0 users, load average: 2.84, 1.41, 1.05 163 processes: 162 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 16.9% user, 12.6% system, 0.0% nice, 70.3% idle Mem: 92640K av, 89740K used, 2900K free, 0K shrd, 184K buff Swap: 0K av, 0K used, 0K free 65980K cached[/pre] У меня в среднем 30-60% загрузка в режиме просмотра.

Lovec47: Samsung DSB-H670N http://www.samsung.com/global/business/telecomm/opensource/satellite_set_top_box.html Another BCM97402 STB with kernel sources and other too (stblinux-2.4.12-4.0) inside rootfs bcmdriver.ko sources (umdrv.c) but very old version :(

Lovec47: on same page lot of sources for samsung boxes, and in DSB-5010 brutus sources from jan 2009, everything started thanks to this http://duff.dk/viasat/

Menen: Скоро можно енигму2 запустить, как на 890 ?

cristian: I read about samsung and nds....so the question is that... can you make something with kernel for samsung ???

Lovec47: I can compile samsung kernels, for example 2.6.18-6.4 put it into Optibox and its booting and working like linux box(Im using system created on HDD from previous experiments), its possible to compile stv6110x and stv90x driver from v4l drivers with this kernel too, but im not sure if its working corectly, modules are loaded. , but some part is missing, its bcmdriver,ko so no video for 2.6.18 kernels. Instead of that, in DSB-5050 are brutus app sources so somebody who has time and experiences can try to make tests, may be enigma could be revritten to work with /dev/brcm0 instead of standard drivers, but its needs to tests: remote control, led display, buttons on front pannel ... But if samsung released their sources may be Viva could release optibox sources too :)

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